Everything you need to know about Melbourne sign company

A Melbourne sign company that erected a sign on the side of a building and accidentally killed three people when it fell has recently been fined more than $250,000 by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The sign was supposed to attract customers by directing them to a company website. But instead of drawing traffic into the business, the three people who were killed died as the sign fell. The company is to appeal its fine, claiming that the sign was erected to comply with local laws.

In June 2020, a Melbourne sign company that erected a sign on the side of a building near to a petrol station killed three people when it fell. This was the second tragedy caused by falling signs in the last two years. In October 2020, a man died from a falling car sign.
According to the report released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the sign company had taken measures to ensure that its signs would not be liable for injuries caused by falling. For example, a safety pole was installed along the top of the sign to keep it from falling, and the sign had an "armature" installed to prevent it from rolling off.

But even after these precautions, the safety pole was still insufficient for the sign to be able to hold up. So on the day that the sign was being erected, the staff member who was responsible for securing the sign failed to check that the safety pole was properly attached. Instead, he went on to secure the sign by hand, which caused the pole to buckle.

When the sign fell, it was attached to a post above the ground, which was part of the sign itself. Because this part of the sign had not been secured by an armature, it rolled off, causing the three people who were fatally injured to be struck by the falling sign. The three were all killed when the sign fell and struck a car.

In addition to the two incidents in Melbourne described above, there have also been other incidents where signs have fallen resulting in injuries. In one instance in Melbourne in July 2020, a man was killed when a fallen billboard fell on top of him. This occurred during a wedding, when the man was holding a picture of his bride and groom on top of the sign, which was placed on top of a building.

In another incident in February 2020 in Melbourne, a pedestrian was killed when a fallen billboard fell on top of her head. This was on the same day that a child died when a flying sign fell on top of his head.

The ACCC said that despite the mistakes made by the Melbourne sign company, it was still an example of good practice when putting up a sign. According to the report, the company was also responsible for ensuring that all sign equipment was properly maintained and that no sign was dangerous or defective.

However, the report found that, despite these assurances, the company had failed to ensure that the safety of the staff who worked for the company were as high a priority as it should be. There had also been a number of complaints about the way that the staff at the sign company handled safety issues, but they had not been reported to the appropriate authorities.

The report said that the sign company had failed to take reasonable action in response to the concerns that the employees were raising, and it said that the company had failed to conduct adequate checks on the machinery it used to erect signs. The report found that it was common practice for the company to replace broken parts of the equipment in a short space of time, which may have been making parts more accessible to children and inexperienced users. Although this could have led to more dangerous situations if one of the workers had fallen or been seriously injured, the company did not consider whether it would have saved the person's life if the sign had not fallen in the first place.

The report also said that the company failed to give proper attention to the way that the sign company insured the products used for its signage, including the safety of workers who were installing the signs. It also said that the sign company had not ensured that its employees had the correct level of safety equipment on them, even when using the equipment.

The report also noted that the sign company did not provide adequate training to all its staff regarding the hazards that are posed by the signage. Despite its repeated warnings that workers should wear protective clothing, the report concluded that it had failed to offer any kind of protection to the workers from the hazards posed by the signs.


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